
Thursday, 14 April 2011

Something's Gotta Give...

Have you ever watched a movie and found yourself completely distracted by the set decor? If you share my obsession with interior design, this has likely happened to you many times before. I watch movies and lose all focus on the storyline because I'm completely consumed by the interiors showcased on the screen. When this happens, it’s only a matter of time before I pause the movie, grab my laptop and start sourcing paint colors, fabrics and furniture used on set. And yes, for those of you still wondering, I have OCDD also known as Obsessive Compulsive Design Disorder.

When I first started this blog, I knew I would be highlighting my favorite movie sets but I had a really hard time choosing which house to start with. After much thought, I decided to go with my first love… 

A house that stole my heart and completely blew me away...  

The oh-so-perfect-in-every-way Hamptons beach cottage featured in Something’s Gotta Give.

Jon Hutman (who also worked on The Holiday) received an Oscar nomination for his Set Production of this now iconic movie house. He worked in collaboration with Beth Rubino, who was responsible for the set decoration. Pure genius.

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