
Thursday, 8 March 2012

Neptune Is Out of This World...

I've got a serious love affair with all that is country cottage.  For those of you who appreciate this look as much as I do,  you'll absolutely love Neptune.  They're a home decor company based out of England who unfortunately don't have stores here in North America.  As I  browsed through their website, I couldn't help but notice how every single room looked like it was taken straight out of a Martha Stewart magazine.

Aside from the country flavour, what strikes me the most about Neptune products is the exquisite choice of colours...  The soft blues, greens and yellows used in conjunction with weathered wood tones exude a soothing beach-house feel which is so very inviting. When you scroll through the pictures below, you'll definitely notice how relaxing the overall tone is.

If you have a minute or two, I strongly suggest you browse through their online catalog by clicking here!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Myriam,
    love your blog. Do you know what color grey neptune used for their kitchen island? The one in the first foto?
    kind regards Esther
